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Cape May County Amateur Radio Club

Welcome To The CMCARC

Club call N2CMC

N2CMC Repeater 146.610 – PL 88.5

E-Mail: cmcarc2022@gmail.com

Be Safe


CMCARC Bulletin Board

The Next Meeting of the CMCARC will be

August 21, 2024

At 19:00 HRS (7:00 PM) at the

Cape May County O E M Training Room

The RACES Office Door:
We will have a person on 146.415 PL 203.5. If you come to the meeting or any other event and the door is closed, just call N2CMC on the radio and someone will come and open the door.


Weekly CMCARC 2 Meter Nets

The main CMCARC Club Net is held on Thursday evenings at 20:00 HRS (8:00 PM) on the N2CMC repeater 146.610 PL 88.5. You do not have to be a member to participate.

A Sunday Evening Coffee Net is held at 19:00 HRS (7:00 PM) on the N2CMC repeater 146.610 PL 88.5. You do not have to be a member of the club to participate

Other Nets in Cape May County

Skywarn Weather Net: Every Monday at 19:30 HRS on 146.610 PL 88.5 repeater. You do not have to be a member to participate.

Ocean City / Upper Township OEM Net: Every Tuesday at 19:30 HRS on 145.450 PL 146.2. You do not have to be a member to participate.

Last Update 03/12/2024